Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hello Blogspot! :)

A real blog site finally!

I'm not leaving my Tumblr world. I just want to spare my followers there from my crazy thoughts and personal life. I realized that my Tumblr should just be the home for my re-blogs and random photo blogs. Plus! Google and Tumblr are not friends :) My tumblr posts are not googleable. =))

Here's another thing, I can't import my posts on tumblr here. Sad. :( But I still want to keep a track on them so I just re-posted some here.

This is not the first time I activated a blog (aside from Multiply and Tumblr if you'll consider them). I had a WordPress account before but everything posted there is too personal that I decided to make it a "not-so-secret" blog.

So yes! I'll be blogging for real... publicly. :) I am excited to share my stories!