Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's The End of the Tunnel

Finally it's May!

April was a tough month for me. It was full of ups and downs (mostly downs) but hey, I survived and I'm still fighting! I'm finally feeling that positive vibe that everything's falling in its proper place. Aside from that the old Gossip Girl is back, doors are finally opening for me and my future.

I will be soon on top! :)

I see light! 

After all those what happened, I thank all the people who held my hands, carried my back, pulled my hair, pitched my nose and slapped my face just to help me get through the rocky  road I took. During times like those, people who are really true to you will stay. Good thing I have a bunch of them. :D

In the end, I was a tough girl and no one/ nothing can pull me down. And now, I'm a lot STRONGER. :) That's why I'm sharing this beautiful cover of Kelly Clarkson's single.

TO ALL FIGHTERS OUT THERE, Stand high and proud.

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